Berenice Benjelloun
The 10th Mega recall was held in a new venue in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
It took place in the Trove hotel and was impressive event, with several hundred members of the Thomas Chaim's AINA members attending. As always the optimism and positivity was upheld throughout, the organisation and teamwork was excellent and everything went like clockwork! So many happy excited faces!
There were several lively talks by different speakers, all in Chinese. A 2019 yearly chart presented by Lee Wei Quiang, and a discussion group on Thomas’s new Life Cards, presented by Jo-Anne. The only talk in English was given by Rose, who energises the many charity events that Lifequest organises throughout the year. She gave an impressive presentation with many slides showing the great charity work done by the Numbers Club in Malaysia and Cambodia.
Then I gave the AIN Speech, and presented AINA Diplomas on stage to 26 beaming students. In the final half of the event it was over to Thomas who gave a very interesting talk called ‘Numereaction’– in which personal number charts were linked to the ways in which people react. Then he spoke of the sacred geometry of the Flower of life, 2019 world events and his new product-Life cards.
The Event ended with the cutting of a large cake on stage, while everyone sang Happy birthday!
Speech given by Berenice:-
Dear Fellow Numerologists, friends and members of this great International community,
It’s a great pleasure to be here with you today as Chair of The association International de Numerologues at this very special 10th Mega recall of Lifequest numbers club.
Our International association is so important as it brings us all together in a common quest to understand the wonder of life – this unifying factor is the universal energy of Number. We meet here today in the name of Numbers and we celebrate the language of number that has brought us together and promotes the growth of Consciousness through the world. It’s a great world and the more we share our multitudinous points of view, the more we create a true and beautiful world of Peace. Numbers are the symbols which give us the understanding of the power of creation.
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If we look at the Numerology which arises from the word (English version) NUMBER – we see it gives us the 28/10/1, which is the number of the great re-birth or renewal of the life force.
The 10/1 takes us on a new and energetic journey towards fulfilment. So we can see it tunes in exactly with the fact that it is the 10th Mega recall! |
We are now in the new year of 2019. If we add all the digits together we get a 12/3 – the flow of energy moving into the map of the life force- A time for looking universally at all we do in life, seeing how all our actions affect others – and that we are not alone and isolated, but working for the good of all. Things should flow – energy, money, luck, time, love……what’s the catch? We need to be in tune (to become one) with the flow………….. |
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The end of a cycle is also brought in by the 19 - the last call from the Karmic numbers to give up our ignorance to the inner light, before we go into the tumultuous journey on the seas of rebirth of the 20/2. As we meet up from across the world we tune in with each other and experience the joy of working together - AIN and AINA - we mirror each other. |
In the light all that we are is clearly revealed - . We can’t hide. This year we come back to causal factors; energy, vibration, life force, radiation, the will, service. We now have to tune in to what moves us, what we love, for that alone will lead us in the right direction and nothing is more important than that. |
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With the 19 we are reminded how we were in the 1900’s, we explored that vibration of the authority of will throughout the whole of the last millennium. Now in the 2000’s man will be standing in front of his own Soul.
The 9 carries on the work that the 8 has started – working to reach some sort of completion, wise solutions to some of the world problems that have been the hallmark of our individualised separative nature from the very first colonisation of our planet tens of thousands of years ago!.
Intensity is a key word for this next year. Nervous system strained to breaking. No rest, only time passing – to see, see, see. Difficult to close the eyes, but the light is so bright – who can lead us through the blindness? Looking for a leader who is wise.
So we call for our own inner leadership, for wisdom, to fill the empty space. A year of leadership and taking responsibility for ourselves, our brothers and sisters, and this beautiful planet we live on.
We see also that we are soon going into the year of the Pig, which brings benevolence, joy, relaxation and the strengthening of good will. We are at the end of the cycle.
Pigs are very sensitive, intelligent creatures.
The Personality traits of the people born under the sign of the Pig are happy, easy-going, honest, trusting, educated, sincere and brave.
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When we look at the number energy of PIG we see wisdom in the 9 being manifest in the powerful life force of the 14/5, ending up with the uplifted creative mind in the 23/5. So here we are on this 10th Mega event, in this new and wonderful venue, with the power of number giving us the 28/10/1. |
These numbers tell us that we can renew the bravery and daring of our unfolding souls and uplifted minds, to go into the New Year ahead with the energy of our honest and sincere will. We are nourishing our life’s abundance, expanding our mind with good will and enfolding the magical petals of the flowers of our hearts together under the watchful eyes of universal love!
AIN wishes you all: